Obligations for Australian Student Visa. Know Before You Apply

A student visa is a foremost requirement if you are planning to pursue any kind of academic education in Australia. The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) is a government body which is responsible for granting all kind of student and work visas. It looks after immigration, entry, residence, ethnic affairs, and border control. In order to become eligible for studying in Australia, one must fulfill all the requirements that DIBP mandates to procure subclass 500 (student visa). Student aspiring to study in Australia is required to choose a course from any Australian University that he/she likes to study in, receive a letter of offer and an electronic Confirmation of Enrollment (eCoE). Only once the student receives a letter of confirmation from a certain University, he/she will be able to apply for Student visa subclass 500. This all must be completed prior to applying for Australian immigration . Next, comes the entry requirements that DIBP holds as standards f...